Tuesday, January 17

New year poem

Starve the vampire that lurks beneath the skin 
and feed the fire that's always been within;
Transcend the fatal flaw 
that seeks to rot your human core
For the morally abhorrent 
will be surpassed by love in a torrent;
When we learn to synergise
is when we will rise

Banish envy and vengeance from your modus operandi; access higher thought beyond instinct and rejoice in the happiness of others. We will be good to each other and 2017 will be good!

It's no Poe, but it's heartfelt and raw.

+ bonus all-time favourite Green Mile quote 👇
"I'm tired, boss. Mostly I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. There's too much of it. It's like pieces of glass in my head all the time. Can you understand?"
 - John Coffey

💗💖💕Love, Rachel

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