Friday, March 18

Odd shoes and cropped denim jacket

I decided on this one
↑ So far this photo has 1,183 notes on Tumblr (here) and is also floating around the net. Pretty sweet huh? Kinda wish I had watermarked it now... :/ haha, didn't know it was going to be so popular...
Nearly there
My twin thinks my odd shoes are gay, I don't mind, she's always judging me, I don't have to follow the masses that say you can only make it if you wear matching shoes.
↑ My twin thinks my odd shoes are gay, I don't mind, she's always judging me, I don't have to follow the masses that say you can only make it if you wear matching shoes.
By the time you go to slap a fly, it's already gone.
Silver bells, cockle shells, and pretty maids all in a row.
Rachelmarie and you will never know my last name :p
Ch3ck my bbling yo.
Ch3ck my bbling yo. ↑
I love my denim crop jacket
I love my denim crop jacket ↑